FAQs – Shipping Online

Weights and Dimensions

FAQs – Shipping Online

Weights and Dimensions

Accuracy is important, so if you have to estimate, try to be as accurate as possible.

  • Focusgaze reweighs and measures all parcels once they arrive at our service centers.
  • If your estimated weight and dimensions are inaccurate, it may result in additional charges.
Yes. Packing your parcels with proper materials and care helps ensure shipments arrive safely and intact.
Most browsers open a new tab or window to enable printing the PDF label. You may need to check your browser settings to make sure MyFOCUSGAZE+ is not blocked or is a trusted site.

Internet Explorer

  1. Open Settings/Internet Options
  2. Select Security tab
  3. Click the green checkmark Trusted Sites
  4. Click the Sites button
  5. Enter https://focusgaze.online and click Add

Microsoft Edge

  1. On the Print screen, after you click Print, you will receive an alert that myfocusgaze.express.focusgaze pop-up is being blocked.
  2. Click Always allow
If your browser settings are correct and you are still not able to get to the print screen, please contact us
Please only create shipments via MyFocusgaze+ if you, your shipper or the person you’ve assigned a shipment to, have a printer to print shipping labels and documents.
  • FOCUSGAZE couriers need all shipping labels, waybills and other shipping documents ready with parcels upon pickup.
  • Our couriers do not bring pre-printed documentation or carry printers in their vehicles.
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