FAQs – Duties and Taxes

FAQs – Duties and Taxes

The calculation of duties depends, in most countries, on the assessable value of a dutiable shipment. For the purpose of this calculation, dutiable goods are given a classification code that is known as the Harmonized System code, which determines the applicable duty rate.  This system is a multipurpose international product nomenclature developed by the World Customs Organization and continues to evolve.
  • All types of shipments (including gifts, samples and goods for repair) go through an import clearance process as determined by custom’s regulations in the destination country. The shipment is cleared through customs based on the type of goods, origin country, the value and quantity.
  • Dutiable shipments are subject to a customs duty, which is a tariff or tax imposed on goods when transported across international borders.

The payment of duties and taxes are typically the responsibility of the receiver.

FOCUSGAZE typically pays duties and taxes to authorities upon import on behalf of the receiver, and then charges the receiver.

In addition, if the shipper pre-selects to pay all FOCUSGAZE charges (and duties and taxes) when creating a shipment (on behalf of their customers/receivers of the goods), then FOCUSGAZE will outlay duties and taxes and charge it back to the shipper (together with other customs-related charges, if applicable). This ensures no charges to receivers of goods.

Contact your FOCUSGAZE Express representative for more information about our FOCUSGAZE Billing Services.

Duties and taxes are levied by Customs in the destination country and the receiver is responsible for paying them.

  • FOCUSGAZE will pay the charges on the receiver’s behalf and collect payment from the receiver prior to or on delivery.
  • Generally, FOCUSGAZE Express is unable to deliver parcels until these have been paid.

The customs authorities in the destination country determine whether any duties and taxes are applicable when the parcel arrives.

  • This is based on the information provided on the shipping label (or waybill), customs invoice (Commercial/Proforma), and customs paperwork – in particular the shipment contents, goods origin, declared value and weight.

All types of shipments (including gifts, samples and goods for repair) go through an import clearance process as determined by custom’s regulations in the destination country. The shipment is cleared through customs based on the type of goods, origin country, the value and quantity. You will need to pay customs duty and taxes only if the value of the gift is above a stated local threshold.

Depending on value and the type of goods imported you may expect the following:

  • FOCUSGAZE Advance Payment and other clearance surcharges
  • Any regulatory charges, if applicable
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